Thursday, 9 January 2014


  • En die woorde "Racialy", "Apartheid" is weer voorop die benamings wat gebruik word. Tog het hulle dan duidelik nie die vermoë om gevoelens, geloof, kultuur ens te respekteer nie, en word keuses op die wyse op 'n amper barbaarse wyse doodeenvoudig aangeval. Op dieselfde word die identiteit van 'n Volk misken, en so ook die begeerte om in 'n eie gemeenskap saamgetrek te wees.

    Hierdie val vierkantig binne die definisie van Volksmoord (Genocide).
    "By 'genocide' we mean the destruction of an ethnic group . . . . Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. The objectives of such a plan would be disintegration of the political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups . . .. 

  • "Ntuli said the protest aimed to “liberate” Kleinfontein residents from their “apartheid mindsets”.
    “While others divide, we will unite.
    “... we will show South Africa what a reconciled and prosperous nation looks like,” he said."Kleinfontein -
    Members of the DA Youth were making their way towards the gates of the racially exclusive Kleinfontein community outside Rayton, east of Pretoria, on Thursday.
    The handful of youths were singing and dancing as they moved towards the gate to protest against the farm settlement's policies.
    Some held up placards reading: “Een nasie. Een toekoms (One nation. One future)”.
    On Wednesday, it was reported that Kleinfontein only accepted “white, Afrikaans Protestants who abide by the Blood River Covenant”.
    Democratic Alliance Youth leader Mbali Ntuli said the protesters intended entering Kleinfontein to speak to leaders.
    “We want to show the residents of Kleinfontein how South Africans can actually live. How positive South Africa can actually be.”
    Guards in camouflage were stationed at the gates of the community. Also to be seen were some residents and a number of cars carrying the old Transvaal Republic flag, with an extra band of orange.
    Kleinfontein spokeswoman Merisa Haasbroek said this was an Afrikaans cultural community.
    It did not want to be a sovereign entity, but wanted to be independent from the local metro council.
    The community used the Blood River Covenant as an easy litmus test to determine whether someone had the same values as they did, she said.
    “We cannot allow racial nationalists on the extreme fringes of South African politics to try and bring apartheid back,” Haasbroek said.
    Ntuli said the protest aimed to “liberate” Kleinfontein residents from their “apartheid mindsets”.
    “While others divide, we will unite.
    “... we will show South Africa what a reconciled and prosperous nation looks like,” he said.
    Government expressed dismay on Wednesday that there were still citizens who did not want to integrate into a democratic South Africa.
    Acting government spokeswoman Phumla Williams said: “This disintegration is extremely disappointing, as it perpetuates the ills of the apartheid era.
    “Such acts were the main causes of a divided South Africa.”
    Williams said all South Africans were governed by the Constitution, which catered for people of all races and religions.
    Kleinfontein residents benefited from government services.
    “We strongly discourage them from lobbying for the town to be declared independent from the Tshwane municipality, as this will be contrary to the Constitution of this country,” she said. - Sapa

    DA Youth protest outside Kleinfontein - Politics | IOL News | Africa's Premier Online News Source. Discover the world of IOL, News South Africa, Sport, Business, Financial, World News, Entertainment, Technology, Motoring, Travel, Property, Classifieds & more.

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