Sunday, 16 February 2014

The Right Perspective: Theuns Cloete / Boervolk Radio.

The Right Perspective: Theuns Cloete / Boervolk Radio.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

The “Afrikaner” by Rudi Pretorius

The Afrikaner (boere Afrikaner)  is a individual that is much like a chameleon … he adapts to his surroundings by changing his colors in order to survive … in other words, he has a Jekyll and Hyde personality that will change his appearance as the most favorable surrounding around him unfolds. He will for the one moment be your ally when things are going for the good, but will immediately change his attitude and character to adapt to the most acceptable climate the moment that a spot of trouble seems to appear on the horizon, even if it means leaving you in the lurch. He has no conscious- and therefore can feel no guilt – to him – self survival is the only name of the game, irrespective of how many other people he left dead or dying in the wake of his quest to self enhancement.

The “Afrikaner” also are very easily recognizable, for he will be the one that will – in business – try to trample on his own race, but the one that always walks around bragging about his latest successes- and who’s wife will be the only “stiff upper lip” that believes the sun blessed her back-side with a “golden ray”. In the mean time it actually will be the Devil scrutinizing her soul with a torch! Unfortunately you get these lame ducks in the poor society as well … but they normally are too low intelligent to realize what they are actually doing – not that the rich lame ducks do know any better they just have a spot of arrogance added to their stupidity! These white humanoids will openly declare they are “Afrikaners” or even better …”Liberal Afrikaners” to fit into the “New South Africa” to please their new dog handlers. 
Among these very poor disillusioned white sacks of donkey-dung, you will in almost all the cases, find the collaborators, agents, policemen that torture their own kind, informants, and co-conspirators that work with the enemy to torpedo their own people. In this category, you will find also those mentally retarded imbeciles that care nothing for their race and will jump in bed with any other humanoid – whether white or dark … (normally they prefer dark). They are the ones that will be first to adopt little dark monsters rather than their own skin color … just to be “in”. This again runs back to the DNA that controls their self survival kit … to be part of the “winning team”. They have no heart or will to fight against any aggressor- even if it means they have to be slaves, as long as they survive.

We have lots- unfortunately most, of these low-life dregs amongst the Boer nation as well. You can name them … Smuts, Botha, Vorster, PW Botha, Diedericks, FWde Klerk, Pik Botha, Roelf Meyer, Leon Wessels, Koos van der Merwe,  Marthinus van Schalkwyk.  Gert Opperman  and many more. These are all mostly from the lawyer “escarole” and army. These lost cannibals have no history, except that of destruction, no race, no future among a race- and thus are lone werewolves that sometime hunt in packs in order to destroy the good and replace it with the evil, just to later fight among themselves according to their natural bad DNA configuration – and destroy their own comrades to be at the top … self survival again. On them self, these creatures are Lily-levered, and will lurk behind the dark of the night where they will plan their devious deeds. They are to the Boer, the human cockroaches. The weird part is this …. They also can breed!

The “Boer” on the other hand, will be an individual that is used to be generally honest and hard working. They – sadly – have no clue about politics and are the most of times very friendly and naïve … thus the reason why all the liberal conventicles of all ages tried to impose their dictatorships upon these poor people and robbed them from their inheritance time and again … like the case is today. The Boer see himself as a pure race and will not adapt to his bad surroundings but rather change the bad into something good, and just want to be left alone to live his life the way he does without being oppressed, governed of tied down by cosmic laws. He is a stern believer in the Bible and walks very close to his Elohim the Almighty God. He is a born and bred farmer that lives close to the earth and a formidable fighter.

The Boer intensely despises the Afrikaner, and in times of war – will and shall prosecute the Afrikaner and put him against the wall for a firing squad. Mostly through Afrikaners the Boers were sold out, hunted, prosecuted and killed, and thus the reason why a true Boer will spit in the face of a Afrikaner, for in the eye of the Boer, the “Afrikaner” is a despicable low-life parasitic vermin that leeches on the blood of his own people for self enrichment and survival.

Thus – as we can see – it really is as simple as that – the difference among the different races, the Israelite and the Jews, the Kazakhstani and the Russian, the Kashminian and the Indian/Pakistani – the difference between de Klerk and De La Rey … the Boer and the Afrikaner – in reality lies within one self … it comes from the heart, the mind … THAT indicate in which direction we will travel in life … the narrow and straight – or the broad and croquet. One thing is for sure … the “Afrikaner” leeches will have to decide very soon where they want to bet their cash - onto – the ANC and it’s worldly attractions in sporting arenas and blasphemous side shows, or the Boers in their awakening to regroup and turn their backs to this God forsaken country towards the one and only Savior and Redeemer our God …

The enemy in the Communist camp only uses these parasites for their own sleazy goals, and once used, they will spit these white rats out of their mouths like the rotten tomatoes they are … the same way the dubious ANC terrorists spat in the faces of those NP rats in CODESA.

A war is soon to come to this country, and then, according to the prophecies – many a pile of blood will flow (read of mainly Afrikaners), for the Boers learned to read the signs of the times, and knows their Herdsman whilst the Afrikaner is a roaming lost ship on a voyage to no-where. Thus two choices then will stare them in the face in time of conflict … THE EXECUTIONERS WALL … or THE SAVIOR’S WEDDING … for the Boers will have no mercy on any Afrikaner in these troubled times - but will destroy them and their bad seed forever from the soil of this country together with their blasphemous gentile alien invader friends and dog handlers. Too many an innocent farmer, white children, men and woman have been brutally murdered and maimed due to the doings of these white low-life-scum and the time of reckoning is fast approaching. Their blood are calling for revenge. You “Afrikaners” better start making peace with your own God in the little time you have left … because we Boers will be arranging the meeting!

The Afrikaners can try to run – but where ever they hide – the Boer will find them and destroy them, even if it takes ten generations … the evil must be rooted from our bodies. Afrikaner – the time has come to choose and choose fast. For too long you have been the cancer in the bones of the Boer Nation … for many centuries have you been the front-men for alien forces that created chaos in our midst. Your time of playing double agents, “moderate whites” and “liberal whites” are nearly over, and then it will be time to stand up and be counted. GOD says that you can either be hot-or-cold … NOT medium … for if you are not hot neither cold – He will spit you out from his sight … and so will the BOERS .

ONS IS BOERE ! Ds AE van den Berg (verduideliking van Terme)


Kuns deur Francois Putter 

1.1   ‘n Gawe van God

In Gen.25 lees ons hoe Esau sy eersgeboortereg verag en sy nageslag in onbeduidenheid laat verval het.  God het lank voor ons geboorte bepaal dat ons aan ‘n spesifieke volk sou behoort.  Derhalwe is volkwees kosbaar en mag ons nie ons erfenis versmaai nie - dis 'n gawe van God.  Esau se nageslag het die gevolge van sy onverskilligheid gedra en 'n veragte volk geword wat gereeld goed op hul baadjie gekry het.

Verraderlike politici, ontspoorde kerke en ander volksvyandige instellings dring al jare lank daarop aan dat ons ons erfenis vir die verfoeilike lensiesop van internasionale erkenning verruil.  Nee, ons sal eerder dit wat ons uit die hand van God ontvang het, bewaar omdat ons eendag ook daarvan rekenskap sal moet gee.  Laat ons eerder soos koning Dawid van ouds in Ps.16:6 uitroep: "Die meetsnoere het vir my in lieflike plekke geval, ja, my erfenis is vir my mooi".

1.2 ‘n Eie volk

Daar word al vir baie jare oor ons volksnaam geredeneer.  Hoe staan die blanke volk aan die suidpunt van Afrika bekend?  Is ons Afrikaners, Boere-Afrikaners, Afrikaanses of wat?   Die meeste mense reken dat ons Afrikaners is en hulle is deels reg.  Anderskleuriges maak ook met reg op dieselfde naam aanspraak.

Ons is slegs Afrikaners vir sover dit na die herkoms van ons vasteland verwys. Soos wat Belge, Duitsers en Franse almal Europeërs is omdat hulle die Europese vasteland bewoon, is almal wat die Afrika bodem bewoon, Afrikaners.  Afrikaner is die Afrikaans vir die Engelse term African.

Is die anderskleurige van Afrika hetsy kleurling, Zoeloe of Hutu dan ‘n Afrikaner?   Beslis!  Hy kan egter nie 'n Boer wees nie.  Net so min as wat 'n Belg nie 'n Switser of 'n Duitser 'n Fransman kan wees nie al bewoon hulle ook dieselfde vasteland, kan ‘n swarte of kleurling ‘n Boer wees.  Die term Europeër, Asiaat of Afrikaner kan derhalwe nooit die naam van 'n volk wees nie.  Dis hoogstens ‘n vasteland verwysing.

Wie is ons dan?  ONS IS BOERE.  Nie in die sin van landbouers nie, maar 'n duidelik onderskeie volk vir wie selfbeskikking in eie kring onontbeerlik en derhalwe ononderhandelbaar is.

Die naam Boer is eie aan ons volksgeskiedenis.  Die Britse grondrowers het na ons voorsate as the Boers verwys.  Die Transvaal en Vrystaat het destyds as die Boererepublieke bekand gestaan. So ook die Tweede Vryheidsoorlog (1899-1902) as die Boere-oorlog, of Anglo-Boere-oorlog, alhoewel ons voorsate nie die oorsaak daarvan was nie. Buitelandse koerante het selfs destyds na ons voorsate as Boere, met ‘n hoofletter, verwys en gereeld oor hul suksesse teen die magtige Britse ryk berig.

1.3 Die term  Afrikaner

Die term Afrikaner is egter ook geskiedkundig.  Die eerste keer dat dié benaming aangeteken is, was in die laat agtiende eeu toe 'n Boer op 'n vraag van 'n landdros na sy herkoms geantwoord het dat hy 'n Afrikaner is.  Hy het homself nie meer as 'n Nederlandse kolonis nie maar as 'n mens van Afrika gesien.

Die term Boere-Afrikaner erken wel dat daar ander Afrikaners is wat nie aan die Boerevolk behoort nie.  Let op die onderskrif by die naam van die Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk. Dit lui: ‘n Gereformeerde Kerk onder blanke Afrikaners. Hiermee erken die AP Kerk heeltemal korrek dat daar ook anderskleurige Afrikaners is. Die term Boere-Afrikaner wat dikwels gebruik word, is egter lomp.    'n Duitser verwys tog nie na homself as 'n Duitse Europeër nie.  Hy is 'n Duitser en behoort tot die Duitse volk.  Ons is Boere en behoort tot die Boerevolk!

1.4 Besondere eienskappe

Ons Boerevolk word aan sekere eienskappe geken.  Ons behoort bv.tot die blanke ras, ons praat Afrikaans en streef na ware nasionalisme.  Daarbenewens hang ons hoofsaaklik die Calvinisties-Protestantse geloofslewe aan en is trots op ons volkwees en Christelike lewens waardes.

Ongelukkig word die ywer vir ons volk dikwels as 'n minagting van ander volke gebrandmerk.  Dis die gevolg van die liberaliste se verwronge siening dat alles wat tussen mense skeiding maak, uit die bose is.  Nee, die Boerevolk is geen skurke-volk wat hom skaam omdat hy sy eie volksgenote voorop stel nie.  Ander volke doen presies dieselfde. Ons strewe na selfbeskikking maak dat ons juis ander volke se nasionale strewes eerbiedig.  En waar ons soms sukkel om ander volke te respekteer, is dit omdat hulle self weinig eerbied vir hul eie mense het.

Dis geen oortreding om deur jou eie volksgenote regeer te word nie, maar eerder selfbeskikking in eie kring.  God het volkere verskeidenheid daargestel.  Ons is eiesoortig en sien geen heil daarin om met andersoortige rasse te vermeng nie.  Ondervinding het ons geleer dat ons hoogstens naas maar nooit saam met ander volke kan bestaan nie. Die Boerevolk sal hom nie binne die kulturele dwangbuis van 'n sg. reënboognasie laat indwing nie.  Die kunsmatige verkeer binne die parskuip van saambestaan is te bedompig.  Blankes wat voorgee om daarin tuis te wees, plaas hulself buite die dampkring van die Boerevolk!

Die verraaiers wat die Boerevolk by die noodlottige rassegelykheid-proefneming ingesleep het, het veroorsaak dat ons in 'n see van swart onredelikheid en skaamtelose vergelding beland het.  Ons sal egter nooit ons selfbeskikking op die altaar van nasiebou opoffer nie.   Nasiebou het nog nêrens ter wêreld geslaag nie, maar lande soos Joegoslawië eerder in vlamme laat opgaan!

1.5  Ordelikheid

Die andersheid van die Boerevolk blyk verder uit die ordelike wyse waarop hy teenoor mede volksgenote optree.  My volk kan sy saak stel sonder om ander te benadeel.   Ons tree altyd beskaafd en waardig op al word ons ook hoe getart.  Meet ons optrede aan die wyse waarop kok en kok se maat in Suid-Afrika optree en ons het baie rede om op ons volk trots te wees.

Vyandige mense probeer die Boerevolk se optrede altyd verkleineer en verdag maak.  Die ANC span hier die kroon. Solank as wat hierdie wettelose mense die septer aan die suidpunt van Afrika gaan swaai, sal hulle onbeskaamde  haatveldtog teen my volk voortduur.  Dis alles ‘n poging om die publiek se aandag van hul onvermoë om te kan regeer, weg te neem.  Die ANC se vergeldingstappe is ‘n rookskerm waaragter hulle hul politieke blapse verberg!

Die Boerevolk distansieer hom baie duidelik van die stakende gepeupel wat ons land en ekonomie telkens ontwrig. Genadiglik is my volk verstandelik ryklik bedeel en kan ons ons gedagtes en emosies op beskaafder maniere uitdruk as met opruiende dreunsang, kinderagtige voetestamp en ‘n aanstootlike gespring.

1.5 Rasbewus

Alhoewel my volk nie rassehaters is nie, is ons baie rasbewus.  Die Boerevolk gun elke volk die nodige lewensruimte waarbinne hulle hul eie kultuur kan uitleef solank dit nie op ander se onkoste geskied nie.  My volk het hoegenaamd geen verpligting om die bodemlose behoefte-put van bakhand staan te vul nie.  Die vyandige media noem hulle agtergeblewenes en/of minderbevoorregtes. Ons ken hulle as luiaards en verag mense wat soos parasiete vir hulle voortbestaan op ander teer!

Die Boerevolk praat Afrikaans en is trots daarop.  Taal is die siel van ‘n volk - dis die volk self.  Ons taal het spierkrag verkry deurdat dit van meet af aan in 'n stryd om voortbestaan gewikkel is.   Hierdie stryd is aanvanklik teen arrogante Britse onderwyseresse, filantropiese Skotse leraars en vyandige Engelse goewerneurs gevoer.  Vandag word ons taal uit ‘n heel ander rigting bedreig nl. deur vermomde vyande wat dit met Engelse rommelwoorde en aksente tot ‘n brabbeltaal deurspek.

1.6 Welvaart

Die Boerevolk is Eerstewêreld-mense met hoë lewenstandaarde.  Al is ons min in getal, beywer ons ons vir ekonomiese welvaart.  Ons is nie soos die Derdewêreld-lande oor bevolkingsaanwasse begaan nie, maar probeer eerder om die genetiese gehalte van ons volksgenote te verhoog.  Dit laat ons bo al die Derdewêreld-volke wat getalle bo gehalte verkies, uitstyg.  Hierdie volke moet gedurig by die internasionale gemeenskap om verligting van hul ellende-bestaan aanklop.

My volk het vroeg besef dat hy nie beide gehalte en getalle kon hê nie en 'n keuse moes maak.  Ons het die regte keuse gemaak.  Ons verantwoordelikheidsin teenoor menselewens het ons nie toegelaat om ‘n getalle-bestaan bo ‘n gehalte-bestaan te kies nie.  ‘n Gehalte-bestaan het nog nêrens ellende gebring nie.

Slot opmerking

Die Boerevolk is nie 'n ontgogelde of vertwyfelde minderheidsgroep nie.  Ons is 'n vrye, soewereine volk wat 'n belangrike rol in Afrika en die wêreld te speel het.   Vir die internasionale gemeenskap wil ons sê: Moet nooit ons koppe soos elders in Afrika tel nie; weeg eerder ons breinkrag!

Friday, 7 February 2014



Along a highway on a grassy hill, thousands of white crosses — each one representing an individual victim of brutal farm murders, or plaasmoorde in Afrikaans — are a stark reminder of the reality facing European-descent farmers in the new South Africa. One of the iron crosses was planted last year in memory of two-year-old Willemien Potgieter, who was executed on a farm and left in a pool of her own blood. Her parents were murdered, too — the father hacked to death with a machete. Before leaving, the half-dozen killers tied a note to the gate: “We killed them. We’re coming back.”

The Potgieter family massacre is just one of the tens of thousands of farm attacks to have plagued South Africa since 1994. Like little Willemien’s cross, many of those now-iconic emblems represent innocent children, even babies, who have been savagely murdered, oftentimes after being tortured in ways so gruesome, horrifying, and barbaric, that mere words could never adequately describe it. The death toll is still rising.

Like countless South Africans, Andre Vandenberg has lost multiple relatives to violence in the so-called “Rainbow Nation.” In separate incidents, according to Vandenberg, a motorcycle exporter and former military man who now lives in the United States, two of his female cousins were brutally and repeatedly raped in front of their husbands. One of the women was pregnant with the couple’s first child. All five victims were murdered. After sodomizing and killing the husbands, in both cases, the ruthless attackers raped Vandenberg’s cousins again.

Enduring the horror for hours, one of the women was eventually shot. The other had a tire filled with gasoline put around her neck and set ablaze — the agonizing punishment known as “necklacing,” which was once commonly meted out to black opponents of the predominantly black African National Congress (ANC) now ruling South Africa in an unholy alliance with the South African Communist Party (SACP) and an umbrella group for labor unions. Nelson Mandela’s wife, Winnie, was known for publicly supporting the barbaric act. Nobody was ever arrested in connection with those two farm attacks.

Before Vandenberg lost his cousins, his father was killed by a truck driver in a suspicious accident. The drunken suspect, apparently a respected figure within the ANC, was arrested at the scene. However, under pressure from the ANC, the killer was released on $100 bail. Again with help from the ANC, Vandenberg said, the driver fled and was never prosecuted for the killing. No explanation was ever given by authorities, despite repeated appeals for answers.

After being deported back to South Africa from the United States over an alleged failure to report a change of address, Vandenberg’s brother was killed, too. Within a year of his arrival, he was brutally murdered. Witnesses watched the murder unfold and told police, but as has become typical, nobody was ever prosecuted. A male cousin of Vandenberg’s, meanwhile, was shot in the chest while being robbed. And as is often the case, the murder was labeled an “accident” by authorities.

“It’s racial crime,” insisted Vandenberg, an Afrikaner descendant of Dutch settlers, in an interview with The New American. “The ANC people are using genocide — they’re pro-genocide. Long term, they want all the property that belongs to the whites.” The black-led ANC-communist regime is “twice as racist” as the former white-led apartheid government ever was, he added. And along with its supporters, the South African government is willing to do “anything” to accomplish its goals.

When top ANC government leaders, including South African President Jacob Zuma, chant about exterminating whites, “some people think they’re just singing songs,” Vandenberg said, becoming visibly uncomfortable at the thought of it. “But I think they’re very serious about that. That’s why we have all the farm murders.... What they do, their followers will follow.”

In its defense, the ANC regime points out that crime affects all South Africans; and it is true, the country has one of the highest murder rates in the world — blacks, whites, people of Asian origin, and others are all terrorized by it. But respected independent experts who have investigated allegations of anti-white genocide in the Rainbow Nation have concluded that the government is not being honest about the wave of genocidal murders. The ANC’s national spokesman declined repeated requests for comment.
